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Story Publication logo March 4, 2010

Children in Sudan Rely on Field Hospital for Food


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In February, NewsHour special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro and producer Nicole See visited a Doctors Without Borders hospital in a remote part of southern Sudan, where patients often walk for miles to get treatment. NewsHour correspondent Larisa Epatko reports on Fred and Nicole's trip.

The small staff at the mud-walled hospital complex in Jonglei province handles a variety of medical problems, including severely malnourished and underweight children, said NewsHour producer Nicole See. It is an expanding program that feeds children on an inpatient and outpatient basis.

"Some of the children that we saw were six, seven months old, and they weighed seven pounds," she said.

Watch NewsHour producer Nicole See's slideshow of her and Fred de Sam Lazaro's reporting trip to a Doctors Without Borders hospital in southern Sudan.


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