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Story Publication logo April 11, 2013

BBC Newsnight Broadcast Investigates Whether DRC Soldiers Were Ordered to Rape


Soldier in the Congolese Army. Image by Fiona Lloyd-Davies. DRC, 2013.

With suffering in Congo unabated, a series of multimedia projects examines a ‘conflict-free’ tin...

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A screenshot from Fiona Lloyd-Davies' BBC Newsnight film investigation into whether Congolese officers ordered soldiers to rape women.

Grantee Fiona Lloyd-Davies directed and produced a BBC Newsnight segment that investigated whether Congolese officers ordered soldiers to rape women. BBC reporter Anne Mawathe narrates the segment, which aired on April 10. In the film, a soldier claimed he was ordered to rape women as a tactic of war, and women spoke about brutal attacks they suffered as the Congolese army retreated from M23 rebels last year. Watch the video here.

This particular film was wholly funded by BBC Newsnight. Lloyd-Davies is working on a larger project with support from the Pulitzer Center on Congo's mineral wealth and conflict.


Three women grouped together: an elderly woman smiling, a transwoman with her arms folded, and a woman holding her headscarf with a baby strapped to her back.


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