July 16, 2009
Bangladesh: Sazzad Hussein of Odhikar on Women's Rights
Whereas in 2002 Odhikar counted a total of 400 acid crimes, the number dropped to just 133 attacks in 2008. During the first half of 2009, 44 people got attacked, among them 31 women and girls. Sazzad Hussein says it's the duty of the government to control the sale and use of acids. If the governmental committees on acid control work, numbers decrease as he saw happening in two areas (part 2 of 3).
Despite the decreasing number of acid crimes over the past years, for the victims who suffer from such violence there is still little chance to have the perpetrator punished by law, Ohdikar programcoordinator Sazzad Hussein explains. (part 3 of 3)
Learn more about Stine's project: Bangladesh: The (Un)Power of Women See all Stine's dispatches
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