Story January 12, 2022

2021: A Year in Photos


Above: Photographs by Florence Goupil, Sarah Pabst, Will Swanson, and Nariman El-Mofty

Photojournalism acts as a pathway to a more empathetic and compassionate understanding of the world around us. This reporting provokes change when we witness the vast diversity of the human experience with our own eyes. In 2021, the Pulitzer Center supported photographic storytelling from all over the globe that places underreported stories in the forefront of our minds. These photographers are dedicated to highlighting the systemic issues we face in the world today. Their work supports constructive impact and has been used to create educational curriculum for all ages that broadens the audience and promotes an informed, globally-engaged public.

This work documents the highs and lows of the fight against COVID-19, provides an intimate account of the refugee experience, and visualizes the toll of climate change on the environment and human lives. It also celebrates many facets of identity, the fight for human rights, and the reclamation of sacred values. These stories are told by photographers all over the globe, many reporting in their own communities, showcasing diversity in both stories and storytellers. We are grateful to our grantees and reporting partners for their tireless efforts, overcoming immense challenges, and continuously innovating the craft of storytelling.

Click here to view our interactive Year in Photos.


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