Experiencing dengue firsthand this month has heightened my awareness of the urgent need to shed light on this pressing issue. Dengue, a viral infection transmitted to humans through mosquito bites, poses a significant global risk, with an estimated 100-400 million infections occurring annually, putting nearly half of the world's population at risk. This disease primarily affects tropical and sub-tropical regions, particularly urban and semi-urban areas, and can lead to severe cases and even death.

Rising temperatures contribute to the expansion of dengue into new territories. The incidence of dengue has seen a dramatic increase in recent decades, with reported cases escalating from 505,430 in 2000 to 5.2 million in 2019. Dengue is spreading to new areas, including Europe, and explosive outbreaks are becoming more frequent.

With the prospect of a new vaccine expected to be available in September 2024, it is crucial to document the development, distribution, and impact of this medical breakthrough.

Photo caption: A 45-year-old pregnant woman named Ingrid protects herself with a mosquito net while she and her family sleep. Pregnant women, who emit more carbon dioxide and have a somewhat higher body temperature, particularly attract mosquitoes. Image by Irina Werning.



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Outbreaks and Epidemics

Outbreaks and Epidemics