

Tupi is a mother, university student, activist and Indigenous woman from the Amazon. She was featured in Pablo Albarenga' & Francesc Badia Dalmases' Rainforest Defenders project. Tupi works to combat violence against women and for the protection of human, cultural and environmental rights in her territory and region. The people of the Lower Tapajos carry a history of resistance in their village and town. In this area, there are more than 7 thousand indigenous peoples from multiple ethnicities, including: Arapium, Apiká, Arara Vermelha, Borari, Jaraqui, kumaruara, Maytapu, Munduruku, Cara Preta, Tapajó, Tapuia, Tupayú and Tupinambá. They are located in the towns of Santarem, Belterra and Aveiro, on the west side of the Brazilian state of Pará. It is in this context where Tupi fights, alongside with other female warriors, young people and Indigenous leaders against the huge colonizing projects of the Brazilian government. She will be accompanied by Nalu, another Brazilian activist who will translate.