Svetlana Bachevanova
Svetlana Bachevanova is a long-time photojournalist and the publisher at FotoEvidence, a publishing house and activist organization that supports documentary photography focused on human rights and social justice. Bachevanova became a photojournalist during the transition from dictatorship to democracy in her native Bulgaria. Passionate about social justice, she joined the first democratic newspaper, Democrazia, documenting the end of a long-lasting Communist regime. For seven years she served as the chief photographer for the newspaper.
In 1997 Bachevanova moved on to become the first woman chief photographer for the Bulgarian News Agency. In 2001, Bachevanova moved to New York where she and her partner David Stuart founded FotoEvidence in the tradition of using photography to draw attention to injustice, oppression and assaults on human dignity wherever they may occur. FotoEvidence is now internationally recognized as a premier publisher of documentary photography and an active partner with human rights organizations.