Peg Tyre
Peg Tyre has written two books on education, one of which, "The Trouble With Boys," was a New York Times best-seller and the other, "The Good School," is being used in journalism schools around the country.
Peg is a frequent contributor to The Hechinger Report, the premier non-profit education journalism site in the country, for whom she wrote a year-long series in 2015 published in the Christian Science Monitor about the principal of a failing school in New Orleans.
In 2013, she wrote an education story in The Atlantic which was a finalist for a National Magazine Award. Her latest story in The Atlantic, about math education, was published to much acclaim in February 2016. She also contributes to Politico and Scientific American, among other publications.
Peg was a Columbia University Spencer Fellow, and serves on the fellowship jury. Until 2008 she wrote cover stories for Newsweek.