Madison E. Goldberg
Madison E. Goldberg is a multimedia journalist based in Boston, and Franklin, Tennessee. In the fall, she will be a senior majoring in journalism and double minoring in publishing and photography at Emerson College.
She has reported on numerous beats, including music, immigration, and domestic and international politics. During her time at Emerson, she served as lead anchor of Emerson Independent Video’s Evening News show, and as content managing editor of the Berkeley Beacon, the college’s only newspaper of record since 1947.
Both the paper and the show won EVVY awards in 2020. The EVVYs are the largest student-run awards show in the nation and are judged by industry professionals.
Goldberg has worked with Emerson’s chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists since her sophomore year and was the recipient of the Ruben Salazar scholarship for the past two years.
Much of her other work is focused on the experience of growing up in a multiethnic and interfaith family, and the importance of POC representation in newsrooms and entertainment.