Lorenzo Morales
Lorenzo Morales is currently a professor of journalism at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá and a freelance journalist.
Lorenzo was editor of Semana.com, the main political news magazine website in Colombia. He worked as a reporter for El Diario La Prensa, a daily newspaper in New York City covering immigration and politics and collaborated with WNYC, the local public radio in the same city.
He has an M.S. degree in journalism from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and a masters degree from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Toulouse, France. His coverage of the U.S primary election in 2007 won 2ndprize from the Independent Media Alliance and his multimedia stories have been published in various outlets.
"Freegans: Creative Resistance and the Politics of Food" (www.freeganpolitics.com), one of his collaborative multimedia projects was displayed at the exhibit Actions: What You Can Do With the City (2008) at the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montreal.
He is fluent in English, Spanish and French.