Kimberly Hill Knott
After spending over a decade working under the leadership of Congressman John Conyers (ranking member, House Judiciary Committee) as a congressional staffer, Knott furthered her interest in the political arena by joining the staff of Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice (DWEJ) as policy director. DWEJ is an award-winning social enterprise, dedicated to Detroit becoming the global model of a vibrant urban center, with an emphasis on promoting sustainable redevelopment and environmental justice.
As an environmental justice advocate, Knott arranged a “Toxic Tour” for government officials and business leaders, to raise awareness of the environmental issues impacting Detroit’s neighborhoods. Due to her successful advocacy efforts, she was invited to speak to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Rule Writers. Most notably, she spearheaded the Detroit Climate Action Collaborative (DCAC), an initiative of Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, which led to the development of the city of Detroit’s first Climate Action Plan, released in fall 2017. Additionally, she co-produced From the Bottom Up: Climate Action in Detroit, a short film highlighting the impact of climate change on urban communities, namely Detroit.
In recognition of her work on addressing climate change in urban communities, in 2013, she was one of only 12 people selected for the White House Champions of Change Award for Community Resilient Leaders. In 2014, she was invited by The Kresge Foundation and the University of Notre Dame to serve as an Adaptation Assessment Advisor, which created a reference set of national measures for urban climate change adaptation.
As an accomplished speaker, Knott has been an advocate for environmental issues. She has lectured on the Clean Air Act and its impact on low-income and minority communities, and how urban centers can prepare for climate change. Some of Knott's most notable speaking engagements include: The World Bank, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference, Center for American Progress, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) and the National Adaptation Forum, among many others.
As a collaborative leader, in 2009, Knott attended the United Nations Framework on Climate Change 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) International Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, where she facilitated a meeting between the White House, EPA, and U.S. environmental justice delegates to discuss the importance of passing a binding agreement that protects low-income and minority communities from the adverse impacts of climate change. She also attended the COP Conventions in Paris (2015) and Morocco (2016).
Currently, she is the president & CEO of Future Insight Consulting (FIC), LLC, which specializes in corporate sustainability, advocacy and coalition building around climate change and other social impact causes. Recently, Knott received a certificate in sustainable management from Duke University and Future Insight Consulting, LLC was certified as a National Women’s Business Enterprise through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council-Great Lakes Women’s Business Council.
Knott graduated with a bachelor’s in education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and holds a master’s in educational administration from Temple University in Philadelphia. In 2014, she received a full scholarship and completed the Harvard University’s Executive Education Training—Women and Power: Leadership in a New World. Recently, she was chair of the City of Detroit Green Task Force Climate Action Committee and served on the External Advisory Board of the University of Michigan Frederick A. & Barbara M. Erb Institute. Currently, she serves on the Board of the Alliance for the Great Lakes and as a community ambassador for Sustainable Brands. Also, she is the political relations director at her church in Detroit. Knott resides in Detroit, MI, with her husband.