Karen Zusman


Karen Zusman is a writer and independent, multi-media journalist focusing on human rights abuses and issues related to people from Burma. Her investigative story-telling has been featured on World Focus (broadcast on PBS stations) and Witness.org and her Burma-related journalism has appeared in the pages and websites of The Christian Science Monitor, World Focus, The Huffington Post, abcnews.com, USA Today, The Democratic Voice of Burma, Relief Web, and Refugees International. She has been interviewed by The World Vision Report, Pacifica Radio and WKCR about her work concerning Burmese refugees in Malaysia.

In 2009 she wrote and produced the multi-media documentary, Please Don't Say My Name: The Plight of Burmese Refugees in Malaysia, which centers around one small group of refugees who work together in a downtown restaurant in Kuala Lumpur and exposes how the Malaysian government has been complicit in the selling of Burmese refugees to human traffickers at the Thai-Malaysia border.

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