Juan Flores


Juan Flores is the vice president of Environmental Community Advocates of Galena Park. Flores is a 2nd generation Mexican-American. He was the first of his family to graduate from college. He graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor's in human development and family studies with a minor in nonprofit management. He has worked in the nonprofit sector for over 20 years. 

Flores has been a member of LULAC council 4703 based out of Galena Park, a suburb of Houston. He has held leadership positions with LULAC, including council president, vice president of youth, scholarship chair, and district deputy director for youth, among other positions. He was among the first Hispanics to be elected to the Galena Park City council in its history. He works for an environmental nonprofit working on air monitor networks and community outreach. Flores is happily married and has 2 children.

Juan Flores headshot