Jason Maloney
Jason Maloney is a co-founder, producer, videographer and editor with the Bureau for International Reporting (BIR) – a non-profit organization dedicated to producing and providing vital international television news programming to an American audience. With the BIR, Maloney has reported from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Russia, Georgia, India, Uganda and Cambodia. The BIR's 2008 report on the impact of the ICC warrants on the conflict in Northern Uganda won the Robert F. Kennedy Award, a First Place National Headliner Award and earned two Emmy Nominations.
In 2008, Maloney traveled to report on nationalism and issues of ethnic conflict in Russia and the former Soviet Union as part of the Rising Powers project of the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting and the Stanley Foundation. Over 100 minutes of television programming, in five segments on three different programs, aired as a result of the trip, which coincided with the Russia-Georgia war. Maloney and his team were the only US-based television journalists to report from within Georgia's breakaway republics, providing rare analysis and background for the reasons the region went to war.
Maloney holds a BA from Dartmouth College and a Masters from the London School of Economics in International Relations. He is a member of the Directors Guild of America and a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Maloney's first book, Your America, was published July 2008 by Palgrave MacMillan.
Links to the Bureau for International Reporting:
Links to recent work:
Wide Angle, July 22, 2009: The Market Maker
Now on PBS, May 15, 2009: Can the UN Keep the Peace?
PBS NewsHour, August 21, 2008: Inside Abkhazia
HDNet World Report, September 15, 2008: Crisis in the Caucasus
Now on PBS, June 20, 2008: India Rising
PBS NewsHour, April 26, 2007: Uganda's Silent War