Ivy Bourgeault
Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, PhD, is a professor in the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa. She holds the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Chair in Gender, Work and Health Human Resources. She is the lead coordinator of the pan Canadian Health Human Resources Network and the scientific director of the Ontario Health Human Resource Research Network both housed at the University of Ottawa.
Dr. Bourgeault has garnered an international reputation for her research on health professions, health policy and women's health. She has published widely in national and international journals and edited volumes on health worker migration, midwifery, medicine and advanced practice nursing and qualitative health research methods. She has been a consultant to various provincial Ministries of Health in Canada, to Health Canada, the pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the OECD and to the World Health Organization.
Dr. Bourgeault sits on the international editorial board of Sociology of Health and Illness and the Journal of Marketing and Management in Healthcare and recently concluded seven years on the Institute Advisory Board of the CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research. She was inducted into the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences in September 2016 and received the 2016/17 University of Ottawa Award for Excellence in Research.