Hadas Gold
Hadas Gold is working toward a master's degree in strategic communication from The George Washington University. She is also currently employed as a producer for the Latin American cable news channel NTN 24.
Hadas was born in Tel Aviv, but grew up in Arizona where she developed a love for journalism early on, hiding behind the couch after her bedtime as her parents watched the news. She attended GW as an undergraduate, earning a bachelors degree in journalism with a business administration minor. While at GW she served on the staff of the university's student newspaper, The GW Hatchet, where she was the features editor and metro news editor. Hadas has interned at 60 Minutes, Politifact.com and Cox News Service, and has received honors for her work from GWU, The Associated College Press, and The Society of Professional Journalists. Her work has been published in The Palm Beach Post, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Austin American-Statesman and the Los Angeles Times.