Elliott Woods


Elliott Woods is a writer, photographer, and multimedia journalist based in Livingston, Montana. Over the course of a decade, he has covered the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, veterans' issues back home, the fight against the Keystone XL Pipeline in Nebraska, Daniel Ortega's plan to build a canal across Nicaragua, the paranoia of the National Rifle Association, and the trials and tribulations of an upstart wildlife preserve in the heart of the Central African Republic.

Woods believes that all conflict stories are human stories, and almost all of them are environmental stories, so his work often dwells at the intersections of politics, culture, social justice, and nature. Woods won a National Magazine Award for multimedia for his work in Afghanistan, and his Pulitzer-supported work from C.A.R. won an Overseas Press Club Award for environmental reporting. When he's not working, Woods is usually fishing in the hills around his home, keeping one eye on the water and one eye on the tree line.