Daja E. Henry
Daja E. Henry is a recent graduate of Howard University, currently pursuing a Master's in journalism at Arizona State University. She is passionate and driven by her causes of bridging the African diaspora, exposing injustice and leaving her footprint across the globe. She has dedicated her work to facilitating cross-cultural understandings and bridging information gaps, one community at a time. From an early age, curiosity has fueled her thinking.
Now, as a multimedia journalist, she has found a focus in social issues. She has reported on a variety of topics in these areas, from Afro-Cuban religion to a small Saharawi refugee population in Spain.
She was a Dow Jones News Fund editing intern who worked on the publishing desk of The Wall Street Journal. She previously interned at the Congressional Black Caucus, The Atlanta Voice, The New Journal and Guide, The New Orleans Tribune and Where Y'At Magazine. She is fluent in Spanish, having studied in Mexico, Cuba and Spain, and is working on developing a proficiency in French.