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Women - Children - Crisis event, Columbia University, 4/1

Event Date:

April 1, 2009 | 7:00 PM TO 9:00 PM EDT
Media file: 6a00d834520a2e69e2011278e0100228a4-800wi.jpg

The 2006 election in the Democratic Republic of Congo was supposed to usher in a new period of peace...


The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting presents Women - Children - Crisis. Three journalists will share their stories from Nepal, Iraq and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Wednesday, April 1
7-9 p.m.
Reception Following

Columbia University, Graduate School of Journalism
3rd Floor Lecture Hall, 116th and Broadway

Co-Sponsored by Career Services at the Graduate School of Journalism

Meredith May, feature writer for the San Francisco Chronicle and a professor at Mills College in Oakland, reported this winter on child indentured servants in western Nepal.

Michael Kavanagh, a specialist on the Great Lakes ethnic conflicts, has made three month-long trips to eastern Congo in the past year, reporting for The World, World Focus, NPR and Slate.

Alaa Majeed, an Iraqi journalist who worked in McClatchy's Baghdad bureau, is a winner of the 2007 Courage in Journalism Award. She was in Iraq this winter, reunited with her two sons after years apart.


Three women grouped together: an elderly woman smiling, a transwoman with her arms folded, and a woman holding her headscarf with a baby strapped to her back.


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