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Webinar for Educators: Creating Portraits of Home with HomeStories Chicago

Event Date:

May 14, 2020 | 4:00 PM TO 5:00 PM CDT

As Paul Salopek journeys around the world on foot, he will follow the migration pathways of our...

Paul Salopek on the Out of Eden Walk
Paul Salopek recently updated PBS NewsHour on the status of the Out of Eden Walk. Image courtesy of PBS NewsHour. Kazakhstan, 2016.

Join the Pulitzer Center and the Out of Eden Walk  Chicago Manager, Tracy Crowley, on Thursday, May 14 at 3:00 pm CT in a conversation with a panel of K-12 Educators about the HomeStories Project, an interactive map where people all over Chicago share stories of the place where they feel most at home. The HomeStories Project is inspired by the historic storytelling journey of Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and National Geographic Fellow Paul Salopek, who has embarked on a multi-year walk across the planet along the pathways of our first ancestral journey out of Africa – the first human "Eden." 

Together, we'll unpack the concept of slow journalism, a technique that encourages students to explore and engage with their neighborhood by describing landmarks and conversing with community members. We'll discuss the Chicago HomeStories interactive map as a tool to cultivate narrative writing skills and foster student connectivity. Then we'll speak with three Chicagoland educators who have successfully introduced the HomeStories map and the Out of Eden Walk Project in their classrooms. Their presentations will be followed by a Q&A and further exploration of free digital resources and virtual learning opportunities provided by the Pulitzer Center.

Webinar attendees will receive a 1-hour certificate of attendance upon completion of a short survey.

This webinar is recommeded for K-12 educators. Educators based in the Chicagoland area are encouraged to attend.

Click here to register. Once you register, you will receive a link you can click to join the workshop. Your link is unique; each participant must register individually.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].


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