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Virtual Workshop for Students: Local Letters for Global Change (Grades 9-12)

Event Date:

October 14, 2020 | 4:30 PM TO 5:30 PM EDT
Tell your representative what global issue you want them to prioritize!

How can you find the under-reported news stories that matter to you, and turn your responses into action?

Join the Pulitzer Center Education team on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 from 4:30-5:30 pm EST for an interactive workshop that explores this question and prepares participants in grades K-12 to enter the Center's fall writing contest, Local Letters for Global Change (deadline: November 13). Find complete contest guidelines here and click here to see last year's winners!

In this interactive workshop, participants will learn to identify and summarize news stories they care about, make local connections to global issues, and identify potential solutions in their own communities. Students will then explore how they can structure persuasive letters to their representatives that argue the importance of and a suggested action on a global issue they explored using Pulitzer Center reporting.

This workshop is designed for high school students, but all K-12 students are welcome. Teachers and parents/guardians are encouraged to join as well. Throughout, participants will be exploring and analyzing global news stories on a variety of topics. They will also reflect on the global issues that are important to then, and evaluate how they can access news to learn more about those issues.

Click here to register for the workshop. Once you register, you will receive a link that you can use to access the workshop. Note: Your link is unique, so each participant must register individually.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a workshop for your students at a different time, please contact Education Manager Hannah Berk at [email protected].


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U.S. Local News Reporting

U.S. Local News Reporting