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VII Evolution Tour: Panel on Balancing Advocacy, Journalism and Funding

Event Date:

March 28, 2015 | 1:45 PM TO 2:24 PM EDT

In Ivory Coast—the world’s top cocoa producer—cocoa farmers bore the brunt of a civil war that...

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Multiple Authors

Pulitzer Center managing director, Nathalie Applewhite, and grantee, Peter DiCampo, join photojournalists from VII Photo for a panel on the intersections of journalism, advocacy and funding.

VII: Ashley Gilbertson, Ron Haviv
Panelists: Nathalie Applewhite (Managing Director, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting), Pete DiCampo (Everyday Africa, Pulitzer Center grantee)

March 28, 1:45 pm
1111 North Capitol Street Northeast
Washington, DC 20002

This panel is part of the VII Evolution Tour's day-long seminar. Registration is required.

About the VII Evolution Tour:

The world's leading photojournalists from VII Photo have teamed up with the technology specialists from AbelCine to present an immersive, two-day educational program. This program examines the technology, craft and business practices of today's successful visual storytellers. The event is structured as a combination of seminars, panel discussions, hands-on workshops, and networking. We welcome attendees with all levels of experience and creative interests.

See the full two-day schedule.