"The Abominable Crime" makes its Jamaican premiere at The University of the West Indies Mona campus on Thursday, December 5. The screening of the Pulitzer Center-supported documentary by Micah Fink and his Common Good Productions is part of a two-day event, "Embracing Jamaican Sexualities," organized by Alison Donnell of the University of Reading, UK, and Annecka Marshall of the UWI Mona's Institute for Gender and Development Studies (IGDS), in partnership with J-FLAG, PRIDE In Action, Eve for Life and the Caribbean Development Activists & Women's Network (Caribbean DAWN).
The full-length documentary explores homophobia in Jamaica through the lives of several individuals including Simone Edwards, who survives a hate crime shooting and flees the country to protect herself and her daughter, and Maurice Tomlinson, who is a human rights lawyer whose marriage to a man exposes him to personal danger. There have been several private screenings of the film in Jamaica but no formal public presentation until the UWI Mona event. The Mona campus is one of four UWI campuses that serve diverse communities across the Caribbean region - Cave Hill in Barbados, St. Augustine in Trinidad and Tobago, Mona in Jamaica and the Open Campus, which was launched in Antigua & Barbuda in 2008 to become the newest location of the 60-year-old university. "The Abominable Crime" also screens at UWI St. Augustine on December 4.
Admission is free. RSVP to [email protected]
Thursday, December 5
5:00 pm
The University of the West Indies - Mona
Lecture Room 3 of the Law Faculty
Mona, Kingston, Jamaica