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"She's Not a Boy" at Idlewild International Film Festival

Event Date:

August 24, 2019 | 5:17 PM


Riffe Youth Center
11330 Lake Drive

Idlewild, MI 49642

Promotional image from She's Not a Boy. United States, 2019.

“She’s Not a Boy” is the story of Tatenda Ngwaru, an asylum-seeking intersex woman who fled Zimbabwe...

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Pulitzer Center student fellows Yuhong Pang and Robert Tokanel's film, She's Not a Boy, will screen as part of the inaugural Idlewild International Film Festival on August 24, 2019.

Tatenda Ngwaru was raised as a boy in rural Zimbabwe. After years spent trying to understand her gender in a restrictive community, Ngwaru moved to the United States to embrace her identity as an intersex woman. She's Not a Boy depicts Ngwaru's experience during the New York Pride Festival.

The film first premiered in December 2018 at the Columbia Journalism School and was an official selection at Wicked Queer: The Boston LGBT Film Festival in April 2019. 

The Idlewild International Film Festival is a women's festival featuring film, music and media education. The festival will feature various blocks of films that each focus on a different theme, according to its website. Some of the featured themes include identity, gentrification, and nature.

Watch the trailer here, and access the festival schedule here.


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Migration and Refugees

Migration and Refugees