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Pulitzer Center's Mark Schulte Presents at Global Teachers Conference

Event Date:

April 20, 2012 | 10:20 AM TO 12:05 PM EDT
Media file: globalateachertraining.jpg

Mark Schulte, the Pulitzer Center's national education coordinator, will conduct two workshops at the Training Global Teachers Conference, organized by Tulane University's Teacher Preparation and Certification Program and co-sponsored by the Longview Foundation and Tulane's Stone Center for Latin American Studies. His workshops will inform teachers on how best to use Pulitzer Center educational resources in their classrooms.

The Conference's two anticipated measureable outcomes are:
(1) Increased awareness and knowledge of global content tools and resources; and
(2) Incorporation of lessons learned into classrooms across the state of Louisiana.

April 19 and 20, 2012
The Pontchartrain Center
4545 Williams Blvd.
Kenner, LA 70065

For more information, visit