Pulitzer Center hosting two events at Columbia University, NYC, 4/30
Event Date:
April 30, 2007 | 12:00 AM12:30-1:45: Africa's Environment and Economics in Conflict: an Under-Reported Story. School of International and Public Affairs, Room 418.
6:00-8:00 pm Bringing the Story Home. Columbia University School of Journalism. 3rd floor Lecture Hall.
Africa's Environment and Economics in Conflict: an Under-Reported Story
When: Monday, April 30th, 12:30-1:40
Where: School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, 420 West 118th Street, Room 418
Screening and discussion with Stephanie Hanes, freelance Reporter.
Reporter Stephanie Hanes traveled to Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and most recently Mozambique, to gauge the environmental consequences of human conflict, efforts at restoration and strategies to protect economically vital environmental resources in future conflicts. Her extensive reporting, sponsored by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, explores the complexities of environmental conservation in the face of conflict, and post-conflict development.
Stephanie's reports have appeared on PBS stations, and in numerous newspaper and magazine accounts across the country.
But her success in bringing this kind of story to a US audience is hardly the norm.
Using video clips produced as part of this series, featured on Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria, Stephanie will introduce this under-reported issue, explore why it is under-reported, and why it needs our attention.
Followed by a Q&A with panelists:
-Stephen Sapienza; Co-Director of Azimuth Media and Senior Producer for Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria
-Nathalie Applewhite: Associate Director, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
Bringing the Story Home
Reporters, photographers and videographers address the challenges – and opportunities – of free-lance foreign reporting in today's turbulent media environment
When: Monday, April 30
6:00-8:00 (light reception included)
Where: Columbia University School of Journalism 3rd Floor Lecture Hall 116th and Broadway
Join Jon Sawyer, founder and director of the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, and four free-lance journalists who have received short-term travel grants from the center for an informal session on international reporting, grant opportunities, and placement strategies. Short presentations will be followed by breakout sessions led by each of the panelists.
Jon Sawyer, director of the Pulitzer Center and former Washington Bureau chief for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. His reporting on Darfur and the Caucasus has been featured in newspaper, radio and television broadcasts nationwide.
Stephanie Hanes traveled across southern and central Africa to gauge the environmental consequences of human conflict. Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, she has written news and feature stories about Africa for the Baltimore Sun, Christian Science Monitor, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, Boston Globe and Smithsonian. She and videographer Steve Sapienza are currently producing a Pulitzer Center-funded documentary on Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park.
Andrew Cutraro is a freelance photojournalist based in Washington, D.C. He is the recipient of numerous industry awards and photo exhibitions and has been published in Newsweek, Harper's, Life, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, St. Louis Post-Dispatch and Chicago Tribune. His Pulitzer Center grant funded reporting on the re-election campaign of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez.
Alexandra Poolos traveled to Kyrgyzstan on a Pulitzer Center grant, assessing the flagging U.S. interest in democracy promotion after the opening in that country of a U.S. military base. A 2006 graduate of the Columbia Journalism School, she has reported for Radio Free Europe, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor and Newsday. She is currently completing a video documentary on Kyrgyzstan for Frontline/World.
Stephen Sapienza has written and produced 45 television documentaries on issues ranging from child combatants in Sierra Leone to the Cuban military and landmine survivors in Cambodia. The documentary he produced for CNN on the Chechnya war won a CINE Golden Eagle Award. He is co-director of Azimuth Media, producer of the public-television program Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria. He is currently working with Stephanie Hanes on a documentary on Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park. See: https://www.foreignexchange.tv/
The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting awards travel grants to encourage enterprising projects on issues that have gone under-reported in the mainstream American media. The Center then works with grantees on story placement and to assure the widest possible distribution of their work. Center Director Jon Sawyer and Associate Director Nathalie Applewhite will be available during the April 30 session to discuss project proposals.