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Out of the Box: Pulitzer Center at Arbor Acres

Event Date:

February 18, 2011 | 7:00 PM TO 8:00 PM EST
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Jon and Kem Sawyer talk about their work with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a non-profit journalism center Jon founded in 2006 with the aim of filling gaps in news-media coverage and engaging the widest possible audience in the global issues that affect us all. The Center places its work on major news outlets --PBS NewsHour, The Washington Post and many others -- and then sends its journalists out to schools and universities. Its range of issues is broad, from public health and climate change to the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and beyond. Jon and Kem reported for the Center last fall in Bangladesh, focusing on water and sanitation.

Jon is the son of Betsy Ivey Sawyer and grew up in Winston-Salem. He was previously Washington bureau chief for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, reporting from over five dozen countries. He received the National Press Club's prize for best foreign reporting three years in a row. Kem Knapp Sawyer has written over a dozen books for children, most recently biographies of Harriet Tubman and Abigail Adams. Forthcoming books include biographies of Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi and a book on the rehabilitation of child soldiers. Jon and Kem live in Washington, DC. They are responsible for three of Betsy's grandchildren and four (so far!) great-grandchildren.

Open to the Public

Fellowship Hall
Arbor Acres
1244 Arbor Acres,
Winston-Salem, NC

For more information call 202-332-0982 or email [email protected]