On Wednesday, Oct. 23, Participant Media's live talk show TakePart Live features Micah Fink, a Pulitzer Center grantee and director of the award-winning documentary "The Abominable Crime." The program, geared toward the millennial generation (18 to 35-year-olds) and broadcast by Pivot TV, will show clips of the film, followed by a one-on-one conversation with Fink about the documentary. The program airs at 9 pm (PST)/midnight (EST). Tweet your comments to @pulitzercenter.
Tune in for the live show, or watch the video online later via the show's archives.
Fink is currently working with Al Gore on a project called "Cost of Carbon." The project includes 18 short films about the impacts of climate change on communities around the world and is a segment of the broader Climate Reality Project.