"The Life Equation," a film by Pulitzer Center grantee Rob Tinworth, has been selected for the Global Health Film Festival in London, England. The screening on Friday, December 8, 2017, marks the official European premiere of the film released in 2016.
"The Life Equation" follows the story of Crecencia Buch, an impoverished Mayan woman fighting cancer. "Her life depends on decisions made by doctors and donors, decisions increasingly driven by Big Data. It's a scientific, evidence-based approach that cuts through the emotion and promises to optimize health care delivery," writes Tinworth, "But what, and who, gets lost in all the number crunching?"
The Global Health Film Festival takes place at the Barbican, Europe's largest arts venue. It is hosted by the Global Health Film Initiative, a group whose primary objective is "to use film as a catalyst for discussion and for change."
Tinworth's documentary will be shown during the festival alongside 15 other feature films that explore public health through the lenses of climate change, conflict, and mental health, among others.
Learn more about tickets for the screening or all-access festival passes.