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Kenarov Presents Shale Gas Reporting at Duquesne University

Event Date:

February 4, 2013 | 1:00 AM
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Shale gas is an energy phenomenon not just in a broad swath of the United States but in places like...

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Farmer Edward Sawicki and his cows in Ogonki, Poland. A little over a year ago Sawicki found out that his property is slated for shale gas exploration. Image by Dimiter Kenarov. Poland, 2012.

Freelance journalist and Pulitzer Center grantee Dimiter Kenarov visits Duquesne University on Monday, February 4, to discuss the local costs of global shale gas extraction. Many Pennsylvanians have a vested interest in the future of shale gas, and Kenarov divided his reporting between Eastern Europe and the US, with the impact on Pennsylvania a key focus of his project.

"Shale Gas: From Poland to Pennsylvania," is the Pulitzer Center's joint reporting initiative with Calkins Media, publisher of The project examines the extraction and use of this natural resource found in shale rock, promoted as a cleaner fossil alternative to coal and oil and acclaimed by many as the next step toward a dream of energy independence. Others are concerned over the impact of the removal of the resource from the shale rock, using hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

Monday, February 4
Duquesne University
College Hall 104
Pittsburgh, PA 15282

Kenarov's visit is presented by the Pulitzer Center, the Duquesne University Department of Journalism and Multimedia Arts, the Duquesne University Policy Center, the Knight Foundation and the McAnulty College of Liberal Arts.


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