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Join the Face-to-Face Conversation with Journalist Mellissa Fung

Event Date:

February 18, 2013 | 1:45 PM
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A battle is being waged in the rainforests of Panama – between those who want to keep their way of...

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Kevin and Mellissa at the drop-off point before the trek into the jungle. Image by Lynn Burgess. Panama, 2012.

Educators and their students (high school and college level) are invited to participate in a virtual conversation with Pulitzer Center journalist Mellissa Fung on Monday, February 18 at 2:00 pm. Fung has witnessed the battle being waged in the rainforests of Panama over billions of dollars in precious metals, and her project,"Panama: The New Conquistadors," is about Canadian mining companies searching for gold there.

This event is free for classes selected to participate. Apply to participate in the program on the Face to Face Conversations website, and find out more by contacting Lyn Millner, Associate Professor of Journalism at Florida Gulf Coast University.

A quick guide lesson plan and background materials are available to help prepare students for the session.

Connecting is easy, via a web plug-in. No software is required, and someone will be in touch with you ahead of time to test your connection. Teachers are asked to have a headset available to enable students to talk directly to Ms. Fung.

Monday, Feb. 18, 2013
2:00 pm Eastern time
Teachers must connect to the session no later than 1:45 pm.

Face-to-Face: Conversations with Journalists puts students in direct conversation with journalists who cover critical global issues. Past journalists include those who have covered South Sudan, India, Bahrain and the West Bank. The program, produced by Florida Gulf Coast University, is made possible by a grant from the Robert R. McCormick Foundation and organized in partnership with Poynter's News University.


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Land Rights