How to Become a Rainforest Investigations Network Fellow
Event Date:
November 23, 2021 | 8:00 PM
Can you imagine receiving a 12-month fellowship to investigate environmental crime, corruption, public policy, and economic activities behind the destruction of the world's major rainforests?
That is what it means to be a Fellow of the Rainforest Investigations Network (RIN), a project of the Pulitzer Center that is at the forefront of investigative journalism dedicated to issues such as deforestation, indigenous peoples and the climate emergency.
At this virtual meeting, editors and RIN members will discuss the details of the current call for proposals which is open until December 15.
During the meeting you can ask what the requirements are to submit an application, what type of investigations the jury values, and what other elements are taken into account during the selection of RIN Fellows.
Rainforest Investigations Network - Ask Me Anything!
Tuesday, November 23 at
8:00PM GMT+8 (Manila, Kaula Lumpur)
12:00PM Noon GMT (London)
7:00AM EST (Washington D.C.)
Gustavo Faleiros - Editor of RIN
Kuang Keng Kuek Ser - Data Editor of RIN
Karol Ilagan - PCIJ editor and 2020 RIN Fellow