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Housing for the Displaced: Student Fellow at University of San Diego's Archtoberfest


Event Date:

October 22, 2014 | 12:00 AM
Image by Paul Short. Turkey, 2014.

Few world cities match the speed of Istanbul’s urban transformation. As new mass housing projects...

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Old and new housing solutions exist side by side in Başıbüyük. Image by Paul Short. Turkey 2014.

University of San Diego's Architecture Program presents "The Housing Question," as part of Archtoberfest San Diego 2014, a month-long collaborative program launched this year featuring a wide-range of public-accessible events and activities touching upon architecture, design, planning and sustainability. Housing is this year's research theme.

On Wednesday, October 22, Pulitzer Center student fellow Paul Short presents his summer research and reporting on housing for the displaced in Istanbul. Few world cities match the rapid transformation of Istanbul's urban areas. As new mass housing projects, business districts and suspended bridges dot the city's horizon, the urban poor are being displaced. For his Pulitzer Center-supported project, Short investigates the the dispossession, displacement and marginalization of the inhabitants of Istanbul's inner city and former shantytowns. Under the mentorship of USD Architecture Program Director Can Bilsel, Short has developed a love for the challenge of design, as well as the ability to create a socially beneficial project.

Additional speakers at the event, which takes place at the Department of Art, Architecture + Art History, University of San Diego, include Bilsel; Daniel López-Pérez, assistant professor of architecture; and Juliana Maxim, assistant professor of art history and architecture; and architecture student Sou Fang. Maxim will also discuss the international conference on housing that will be held at USD in March 2015.

Wednesday, October 22
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Department of Art, Architecture + Art History,
University of San Diego
5998 Alcalá Park
San Diego, CA 92110


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