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Environmental Photography Workshop: Visualizing Issues

Event Date:

November 20, 2010 | 9:30 PM TO 10:30 PM

Desertification is one of the most important environmental challenges facing the world today...


From Ullens Center for Contemporary Art:<br>
<span id="printable_content">UCCA welcomes two-time Pulitzer Center Grant recipient Sean Gallagher, who has spent the past two years traveling across <a class="ml-smartlink" href="">China</a&gt; documenting the country's fight against desertification and disappearing wetlands.<br>
Having the ability to visually communicate overarching themes, theories and ideas is essential to helping the public understand sometimes complex and seemingly disjointed issues.</span><br>
<span id="printable_content">Gallagher's workshop will focus on the art and science of effectively photographing large-scale environmental issues and conveying eco-stories through imagery. He will also provide participants with useful advice about identifying themes and stories, and offer tips about the process of eco-filmmaking, from shooting to distribution.</span><br>
The <strong>free</strong> workshop will be given in English with Chinese translation, at the UCCA La Suite in <strong>Beijing</strong>, China, on <strong>November 20th</strong>. Th event is hosted by the <strong>Ullens Center</strong>, in partnership with <strong>Greening the Beige</strong>. <br>
For more information, visit the <a href=";lang=en&amp;menuId=0">Event Page</a>.


yellow halftone illustration of an elephant


Environment and Climate Change

Environment and Climate Change
navy halftone illustration of a boy carrying two heavy buckets


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