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Don Belt Leads Out of Eden Walk Workshop at Cornell University

Event Date:

March 16, 2018 | 9:00 AM TO 3:30 PM EDT


Cornell University
144 East Avenue

Ithaca, NY 14853

Media file: Salopekhorizontalphotorepresentation-1.jpg

As Paul Salopek journeys around the world on foot, he will follow the migration pathways of our...

In eastern Turkey, Paul Salopek leads his mule past the Karakuş royal tomb, built in the first century B.C. by one of the area’s many ruling states. When Syrians began to pour over the border 70 miles to the south, he and photographer John Stanmeyer drove down separately to report on the situation. Image by by John Stanmeyer/National Geographic.
In eastern Turkey, Paul Salopek leads his mule past the Karakuş royal tomb, built in the first century B.C. by one of the area’s many ruling states. When Syrians began to pour over the border 70 miles to the south, he and photographer John Stanmeyer drove down separately to report on the situation. Image by by John Stanmeyer/National Geographic.

Join us at Cornell University on Friday, March 16, 2018, for the latest in a series of special workshops showcasing the use of multimedia storytelling, as used by Pulitzer Prize-winner  Paul Salopek as he walks across the globe.

The Pulitzer Center is partnering with Cornell to organize "Slow Storytelling in the Digital Age: A Hands-On Workshop for Educators," led by Don Belt, a longtime National Geographic writer and editor and colleague of Salopek. This session is the latest in a series of special workshops designed for educators seeking new ways to use multimedia storytelling in the classroom–and to get students to slow down to explore their communities.

Belt shares the community-based Slow Journalism curriculum he teaches at the University of Richmond, which is modeled on Salopek's Out of Eden Walk. Campus Consortium coordinator, Kayla Sharpe, joins Belt for the workshop.

The Pulitzer Center is one of the main education partners for the Out of Eden Walk, a 10-year digital media project tracing the path of ancient human migration from Ethiopia to the tip of South America. 


teal halftone illustration of a family carrying luggage and walking


Migration and Refugees

Migration and Refugees