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Dimiter Kenarov Brings Focus on Shale Gas to Ohio University

Event Date:

February 25, 2013 | 5:38 PM
Media file: DPK_3726.JPG

Shale gas is an energy phenomenon not just in a broad swath of the United States but in places like...

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Shale gas. Fracking. Energy independence. Environmental concerns. Pulitzer Center grantee journalist Dimiter Kenarov covers these topics in his reporting project "Shale Gas: From Poland to Pennsylvania," which examines the promises and the controversies surrounding the extraction of this natural resource.

Join Kenarov at Ohio University on Monday, February 25 for a discussion of the new energy frontier in the United States and Eastern Europe. "Shale gas has become something to everyone. In the last few years, no other energy topic has managed to garner so much global attention and generate so much controversy," writes Kenarov. "Politicians, business people, economists, scientists, environmentalists, journalists, and citizens have all joined in the fray, each one with their own view on the subject. Some have called shale gas 'a game changer' and a path to energy independence and economic revival. Others have looked closely at the environmental dangers of hydraulic fracturing…and our continued dependence on fossil fuels."

Monday, February 25
5:00 pm
Ohio University
Porter Hall 105
Athens, Ohio 45701

The event is presented by the Pulitzer Center, Ohio University's Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, and Honors Tutorial College Journalism. Reporting for this project was funded by the Pulitzer Center and Calkins Media, publisher of Shale Reporter.


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