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College of William & Mary: Journalist Malia Politzer Discusses Economic Impact of Refugee Crisis

Event Date:

October 30, 2017 | 12:00 PM


College of William & Mary
Blow Memorial Hall, 201
262 Richmond Road

Williamsburg, VA 23185

Image by Emily Kassie. Turkey, 2016.

From smugglers in Agadez, to factory owners in Turkey, to the Italian and Nigerian mafias in Italy...

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Multiple Authors
Food, beds, pillows—those are luxuries in the ghettos of Agadez. Image by Emily Kassie. Niger, 2016.
Food, beds, pillows—those are luxuries in the ghettos of Agadez. Image by Emily Kassie. Niger, 2016.

We've read about the harrowing journeys that nearly millions of refugees have made to Europe, risking their lives and investing their savings to cross the Mediterranean from Turkey or Africa. Less understood are the ways in which this river of humanity is changing every place that it touches. It's the greatest migration in recorded history, and it is transforming entire economies and societies in real time.

Pulitzer Center grantee Malia Politzer discusses her reporting on the economic impact of the global refugee crisis on Monday, October 30, 2017, at the College of William & Mary.

This event takes place through the Pulitzer Center's Campus Consortium partnership with William & Mary. Over the course of her three-day visit to the campus, Politzer also visits several classes to discuss her reporting with students and faculty across a variety of disciplines. Stephanie Hanes, Pulitzer Center grantee and author of "White Man's Game: Saving Animals, Rebuilding Eden, and Other Myths of Conservation in Africa," and Ann Peters, Pulitzer Center university and community outreach director, join Politzer for the visit, which includes working with students involved in the intensive Pulitzer Center-William & Mary Sharp Writer-in-Residence Program, now in its seventh year. 

Politzer, Emily Kassie, and the Huffington Post received the 2017 Overseas Press Club award for Best Digital Reporting on International Affairs for their expansive digital project, "The 21st Century Gold Rush." Politzer and Kassie exposed the vast network of businesses, criminals, bureaucrats, and "low-flying vultures" who seek to exploit the tragedy of the global migration crisis for financial gain.

Said the OPC judges: "The reporters charted fresh territory in a well-traversed international issue by digging deeply into those who have profited from the refugee crisis."

Politzer's October 30 event is free and open to the public.


teal halftone illustration of a family carrying luggage and walking


Migration and Refugees

Migration and Refugees