Book Chat with Journalist Suzy Hansen
Event Date:
August 17, 2017 | 5:30 PM TO 7:00 PM EDTADDRESS:
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 615
Washington, DC 20036

On Thursday, August 17, 2017, join Suzy Hansen, a noted journalist on Turkey, for an evening chat at the Pulitzer Center about her new book, Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World.
A fellow of the Institute of Current World Affairs (ICWA) in Turkey from 2007 to 2009, Hansen has since been published in Vogue, The New York Times Magazine, and Foreign Policy. ICWA interim Executive Director Gregory Feifer will speak with Hansen about her book and experiences in Turkey as part of the evening event co-sponsored by the Pulitzer Center. Feifer was an ICWA fellow in Russia in 2000-2002 and has written several books, most recently Russians: The People behind the Power.
In announcing the evening chat with Hansen, ICWA writes: "Blending memoir, journalism and history, and deeply attuned to the voices of those she met on her travels, the book is a reflection on America's place in the world and a journey of self-discovery and revelation—a profound reckoning with what it means to be American in a moment of grave national and global turmoil."
The event is free and open to the public. A light reception begins at 5:30 pm. The conversation between Feifer and Hansen begins at 6:00 pm.
Copies of Notes on a Foreign Country will be available for purchase at the event.