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Award-winning "The Abominable Crime" Screens in Rochester, NY


Event Date:

July 19, 2013 | 6:30 PM TO 7:30 PM EDT

Jamaica has the reputation of being one of the most violently anti-gay countries on earth. Male...

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Maurice, one of the individuals profiled in 'The Abominable Crime.' Image by Micah Fink. Jamaica, 2013.

"The Abominable Crime," filmmaker Micah Fink's Pulitzer Center-supported documentary exploring homophobia in Jamaica, screens on July 19 at Open Arms Metropolitan Community Church in Rochester, NY.

Founded in 1981, Open Arms MCC is a member congregation of the worldwide movement known as Metropolitan Community Churches. Its primary ministry is to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people. "Metropolitan Community Churches are on a bold mission to transform hearts, lives, and history," according to the Open Arms MCC website. "MCC recognizes a state of need around the world in the areas of human rights and justice. As people of faith, we have a responsibility to act on behalf of those who cannot effect change on their own. We endeavor to build bridges that liberate and unite voices of sacred defiance."

Open Arms MCC advertised the "The Abominable Crime" on its website with the tagline: "New film by Micah Fink highlights the work of MCC in the fight for Justice in Jamaica."

"The Abominable Crime" follows Simone, a lesbian mother, and Maurice, a gay human rights activist, as they navigate the conflict of loving their homeland and wanting to stay alive. Simone is seeking asylum after getting shot in front of her daughter and knows her time is limited. Maurice is used to living his life as an LGBT/HIV activist, but he is put in more danger once his marriage to a Canadian man is publicized. His husband wants them to stay in Canada, but Maurice feels a sense of duty to the cause and his country.

Friday, July 19
6:30 pm

Open Arms Metropolitan Community Church
740 Marshall Road
Rochester, NY 14624


For more on the film and locations of future screenings, visit "The Abominable Crime" website.


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