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Author Scott Anderson and 'Fractured Lands' at University of Pennsylvania

Event Date:

February 21, 2017 | 6:00 PM
Black and white image of children in silhoutte from an IDP camp in Iraq.

The unraveling of the modern Middle East, from the Iraq War to the rise of ISIS and the global...

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Multiple Authors
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Border crossing in Ras Jdir near Ben Gardenne. Image by Paolo Pellegrin. Tunisia, 2011.

Join Pulitzer Center grantee journalist and author Scott Anderson in a Campus Consortium event at the University of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, February 21, 2017. Anderson discusses his Pulitzer Center-supported project "Fractured Lands: How the Arab World Came Apart" that explores developments in the region before and after the Arab Spring through the lives of six individuals in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Iraq.

Anderson's article took over an entire edition of The New York Times Magazine in August 2016 and was the longest published article in the magazine's history at the time. Photographs by Paolo Pellegrin accompanied the article. Multimedia journalist Ben C. Solomon created a virtual reality segment on the fight for Falluja as part of the project.

Anderson is an award-winning journalist and author who has reported from four continents in the past three decades. He specializes in journalistic pieces on war and conflict. Read the full New York Times Magazine "Fractured Lands" issue and learn more about the Pulitzer Center-supported project, including educational resources.

The Campus Consortium partnership between the Pulitzer Center and the University of Pennsylvania involves the university's Middle East and South Asia centers.

Fractured Lands: How the Arab World Came Apart
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
University of Pennsylvania
Perry World House
3803 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104

File Attachments:


war and conflict reporting


War and Conflict

War and Conflict
teal halftone illustration of praying hands


