Translate page with Google Amazon Emergency: The advance of criminal activities in the Andean and Brazilian Amazon Event Amazon Emergency: The advance of criminal activities in the Andean and Brazilian Amazon Event Date: October 28, 2021 | 2:00 PM TO 3:30 PM America/Sao Paulo Participants: Eliane Brum Amazon RJF Advisory Committee Member Nelly Luna Amancio Amazon RJF Advisory Committee Member Simon Romero Amazon RJF Advisory Committee Member Share this page on Facebook Share this page on Twitter Email this page Print this page SECTIONS Overview Amazon Emergency: The advance of criminal activities in the Andean and Brazilian Amazon. The pandemic and the impact of Bolsonarist policies on Indigenous territories Speakers: Eliane Brum, Amazon Advisory Committee Member; Writer, Journalist and Filmmaker Nelly Luna, Amazon Advisory Committee Member; Co-Founder and Editor, Ojo Público Simon Romero (Moderator), Amazon Advisory Committee Member; National Correspondent, The New York Times Objective: The Bolsonaro government has dismantled many protections for the Amazon and increased the vulnerability of Indigenous communities. How has this generated an increase in environmental crimes, with impacts beyond Brazil? Live interpretation will be available in Spanish and Portuguese for this webinar. RELATED INITIATIVES Initiative Rainforest Reporting Rainforest Reporting RELATED TOPICS Topic Environment and Climate Change Environment and Climate Change