Andre Lambertson
Andre Lambertson is a New York-based photojournalist, teacher, and filmmaker committed to documenting stories of hope, healing, and transformation. He creates award-winning photo essays on social issues for magazines, books, foundations, advocacy organizations and museums including Time, US News and World Report, Life, National Geographic, The New York Times Magazine, The Ford Foundation, The George Soros Foundation and The Smithsonian Museum.
In 2010, Lambertson made a total of 10 trips to Haiti, along with poet Kwame Dawes and reporter Lisa Armstrong, where he forged deep connections with individuals and communities, especially those Haitians who were also living with HIV/AIDS. Their Untold Stories dispatches, poems, photographs and videos captured the violence against vulnerable women in tent camps, sanitation-related health threats, the challenges faced by doctors at health organizations, and grassroots efforts by individuals who with scant help from outside aid organizations formed effective support groups and community networks for HIV/AIDS sufferers.
Please watch the introductory video and the following three video poems. Please note that they are embedded as a playlist.
YouTube blocked? Download the videos in MP4 format: Introduction, Job (poem), Ganthier (poem), Storm (poem).
Questions for students
Did the poems and photographs change your view of the Hatian earthquake? How effective did you feel the multimedia presentations were in accomplishing Andre Lambertson's goal of documenting the resilience of the Hatian people? Please respond in the comment area below.