Resource February 3, 2011
Meet Rebecca Hamilton
Rebecca Hamilton is a New Zealand born journalist who is a Special Correspondent on Sudan for The Washington Post. Hamilton compiled her multi-year investigation on the impact of advocacy on Darfur policy in Fighting for Darfur: Public Action and the Struggle to Stop Genocide, which was published by Palgrave Macmillan in January 2011. Her writing has also been published in a range of other outlets including Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The New Republic, Newsweek and The International Herald Tribune. Hamilton's project Sudan In Transition covers the cultural, political, economic and legal challenges that Sudan faced before the vote for Southern independence and what the future will hold once the likely partition of the country becomes official.
"Why is it important to report from Sudan?"
"What are your biggest challenges in reporting from Sudan?"
"Why should Americans care about Sudan?"
"What do you hope to achieve from your reporting in Sudan?"
"What surprised you the most while reporting in Sudan?"
"Have you ever been such an immediate witness to history before?"
"How have Americans supported the people of Darfur?"
"Why has the coverage of Darfur decreased?"
"How will the partition of Sudan affect the newly formed Northern state?"