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Resource October 18, 2017

Meet the Journalists: Noah Fowler and Jonathan Kaiman

Azindo Nchegir is a subsistence farmer, and also a local agent for Chinese gambling interests. Image by Noah Fowler. Ghana, 2017.

Across Africa, the era of U.S. and European hegemony is ending. As China fills the gap, the...

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Multiple Authors
LA Times Beijing Bureau Chief Jonathan Kaiman interviews a subject in Accra. Image by Noah Fowler. Ghana, 2017.
LA Times Beijing Bureau Chief Jonathan Kaiman interviews a subject in Accra. Image by Noah Fowler. Ghana, 2017.

Los Angeles Times staff writer Jonathan Kaiman and visual journalist Noah Fowler traveled to Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, and Ghana for a series of reports on a massive program of Chinese investment that is reshaping Africa.