Resource February 9, 2016

Meet the Journalist: Yigal Schleifer

Image by Yigal Schleifer. Turkey, 2014.

The Cold War's end promised to bring democracy to many countries that had little previous experience...

Media file: yigal_schleifer.jpg
Even a year after the Gezi protests of 2013, the police presence in the heart of Istanbul remains strong. Image by Yigal Schleifer. Turkey, 2014.

The end of the Cold War saw a new wave of democratization take hold in Europe and along its eastern fringe, promising to bring with it good governance and rule of law to countries that had precious little previous experience with those ideals.

Journalist and analyst Yigal Schleifer looks at Hungary, Ukraine and Turkey, three countries that in their own way each tell an important story about democratization's current struggle and retreat in Europe.


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