Campus Consortium Partner

Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

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The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication conducts research on public climate change knowledge, attitudes, policy preferences, and behavior at the global, national, and local scales. The findings are used by governments, media, private firms, and advocates to communicate effectively on the issue and increase the public's understanding of climate risks and opportunities.

The YPCCC initiative Yale Climate Connections (YCC) is a nonpartisan, multimedia climate news service that broadcasts a daily national radio program and publishes original reporting, commentary, and analysis. Through articles, videos, and radio stories, YCC "connects the dots" between climate change and energy, extreme weather, public health, food and water, jobs and the economy, national security, the creative arts, and religious and moral values, among other themes.

The YPCCC is based at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, the oldest institution of higher learning devoted to conservation and natural resource management in the United States. Now in its second century, the school's research and teaching aim to provide unequalled education and training in the multiple dimensions of contemporary environmental issues toward developing solutions for a more sustainable future.