Lesson Plan January 13, 2021

Schedule a Virtual Classroom Visit with a Photojournalist


A 5th grade student asks journalist Natasha S. Alford a question during her virtual visit. Photo courtesy of Grayson McKinney. United States, 2019.

Are you interested in connecting your students directly with a photojournalist? The following journalists can share a range of expertise, from explaining the process of planning photo stories that highlight underreported issues to outlining steps for taking and curating images. To schedule a free visit with your class, click here: https://pulitzercenter.org/education/k-12-programs-and-resources/journa…

Pulitzer Center-supported photojournalists who are available to support virtual classroom visits include…

  • Journalists from The Everyday Projects who contributed to "Women on the Move," a reporting project from National Geographic that examines the impact of migration on women worldwide.
  • Allison Shelley, a photojournalist and contributor to The Everyday Projects who has reported from several countries on access to healthcare for women
  • Arionne Nettles, a multimedia journalist and scholar who reported on how museums are responding to COVID-19 and the movement for racial justice
  • Meghan Dhaliwal, a photojournalist and multimedia producer who has reported on migration for several publications
  • Pooyan Tabatabaei, a photojournalist and founder of NVP Images photo agency who recently collaborated with several Iranian photographers on a project documenting the impacts of COVID-19 in Iran 
  • Erica Ayisi, a multimedia journalist who reported on the ethics of the international hair trade.
  • Melissa Bunni Elian, a multimedia journalist who recently reported on the Afropunk movement in South Africa
  • Pablo Albarenga, a photojournalist who recently reported for several publications on efforts by Indigenous youth in the Amazon to combat destructive land development

We use many different platforms to connect, including Skype, Google Hangouts, and Zoom, and will work with you to identify the best technology for your learners, whether they are studying in the classroom or at home. Virtual journalist visits are a great way to help students...

  1. Understand how what they're studying affects people's lives
  2. Learn how research, writing, critical thinking, multimedia, and more skills are used in journalism
  3. Practice preparing and asking questions of an expert
  4. Get excited about using the news to learn about the world
  5. And much more!

To schedule a virtual journalist visit, just click here! We will match you with a journalist based on your request.

Looking for ways to introduce photojournalism to your students? Check out the videos below from Melissa "Bunni" Elian, Pablo Albarenga, Allison Shelly, and Everyday Projects co-founder Peter DiCampo that introduce methods for planning photo stories.

Photojournalism | Journalist's Toolbox

Everyday Africa: A Photographer's Toolkit

Everyday Africa: Telling Stories with Photographs

Is there another way we can support you and your students in leading discussions about photojournalism and migration? We'd love to brainstorm with you! Reach out to the K-12 outreach team by emailing [email protected].

Please help us understand your needs better by filling out this brief survey!

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Migration and Refugees