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Lesson Plan September 29, 2015

Power Lunch: India's Mid-day Meal Program



Questions for “India: Here’s Why Kids – and Parents – Love the Country’s School Lunch Program”

  1. What is the size and scope of the national lunch program?
  2. What are its goals?
  3. How many different kinds of successes in these goals does the article mention?
  4. In what areas has the program run into controversy or difficulties?
  5. How many different voices or perspectives has the author included? What does each contribute? (Compare to your Circle of Viewpoints entry work.)
  6. Look again at the first two sentences of the article. What do you notice about this beginning? What might this suggest about the structure the author feels essential to the piece?

Questions for "Power Lunch: India's Mid-Day Meal Program"

Questions for first viewing: 

  1. Note 10 visual details that struck you in this film.

Questions for second viewing:

  1. In what ways is this film a story, narrative? OR How many different stories does the film animate, bring alive?
  2. Can you identify the arc of the “plot” for each of these mini narratives?
  3. Can you identify a visual effect that captures the rhetorical device Chatterjee uses in her first two sentences? [the split screen]
  4. In what ways does this convey the central points of the story?

Questions for “Meet the Journalist: Mathilde Dratwa”

  1. Dratwa notes the “patterned world” she is trying to convey by means of various patterns throughout her animated short. How many visual patterns can you identify? 
  2. What other repetitions do these visual patterns reinforce in the story?
  3. Dratwa notes particularly the idea of “nuance” in the story. In what visual ways does she convey “both [specific] detail and flexibility” to make visible all the various complexities in the narrative?
  4. Pattern and nuance may seem contradictory! How does Dratwa explain her choice of animation to reconcile these ideas and use them to build a deeper meaning?

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Three women grouped together: an elderly woman smiling, a transwoman with her arms folded, and a woman holding her headscarf with a baby strapped to her back.


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