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Lesson Plan June 20, 2016

DCPS Study Abroad Photography Contest



Before submitting your photo, make sure you can answer "YES" to the following questions:

1) Is the photo clear? Does it have a clear subject?

2) Does the photo capture something from the country where you traveled that might be unfamiliar to your audience?

3) Does the photo capture something that excited, delighted, concerned or interested you on the trip? Is it something you want people to know about the country?


Before submitting your caption, make sure you can answer "YES" to the following questions:

1) Does the caption describe who is in the photo and where the photo was taken?

2) Does the caption describe what is happening in the photo and when it was taken?

3) Does the caption describe additional information about the subject/context of the photo that the viewer won't know just by looking at the photo? (example: Why are these people doing what they are doing? Why is this moment significant? What important information does it tell us about the country?)

4) Is the caption written in present tense?

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