Before submitting your photo, make sure you can answer "YES" to the following questions:
1) Is the photo clear? Does it have a clear subject?
2) Does the photo capture something from the country where you traveled that might be unfamiliar to your audience?
3) Does the photo capture something that excited, delighted, concerned or interested you on the trip? Is it something you want people to know about the country?
Before submitting your caption, make sure you can answer "YES" to the following questions:
1) Does the caption describe who is in the photo and where the photo was taken?
2) Does the caption describe what is happening in the photo and when it was taken?
3) Does the caption describe additional information about the subject/context of the photo that the viewer won't know just by looking at the photo? (example: Why are these people doing what they are doing? Why is this moment significant? What important information does it tell us about the country?)
4) Is the caption written in present tense?
DCPS Study Abroad Photography Contest Supported by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
Pulitzer Center is proud to sponsor a photography contest for all students traveling this summer as part of DCPS Global Education's Study Abroad Program.
Submit a photo and caption to [email protected] that captures something that interested or surprised you in the country you explored by Friday, September 2, 2016 at 11:59PM ET for a chance to be part of a special reception at Pulitzer Center with a professional journalist.
Winning photos will also be featured on the Pulitzer Center website.
What to submit (Photo and caption):
Submit one photo that captures something important you observed during your study abroad trip. The photo should illustrate something that interested, surprised, concerned, and/or delighted you in the countries they explored.
Write a caption for your photo that explains what is happening and provides additional context. A caption should be written in the present tense and explain who is in the photo, what is happening, where the photo was taken, when the photo was taken and any additional information that helps explain why this moment is important. Click here for tips on how to write successful captions.
Caption: He Quangui, a former gold miner, is slowly dying of silicosis—an irreversible but preventable lung disease he contracted from years of working in small, unregulated mines in Henan Province in central China. Since he became ill 10 years ago, his wife, Mi Shixiu, 36, has had to take care of his every need. When he is too sickly to walk, she carries him, even up flights of stairs. Image by Sim Chi Yin. China, 2015.
TIP: Watch the attached video from photojournalist Peter DiCampo for ideas on how to take strong photographs.
How to submit:
Email your photo and caption to [email protected] with the subject line "DCPS Study Abroad." In the body of your email, include the following:
First and last name
Destination for your study abroad trip
Contact phone number
Photo and caption
Submission Deadline:
Please email your submissions to [email protected] by Friday, September 2, 2016 at 11:59PM ET.
Results and September exhibition for all participants:
All submitted photographs that meet the contest requirements will be featured as part of a photography exhibition hosted by DC Public Schools on September 13, 2016!
Contest winners will also be announced in September, and the reception at Pulitzer Center for contest winners will be in early October.
Contact the Pulitzer Center education department by emailing [email protected] or calling 202-734-3769.
About Pulitzer Center:
The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting is an innovative award-winning non-profit journalism organization dedicated to supporting in-depth engagement with underreported global affairs through our sponsorship of quality international journalism across all media platforms and a unique program of outreach and education to schools and universities. Click here to watch a short animation that illustrates our founding and mission.
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