Would you be willing to pull the trigger that launches a nuclear weapon? In the fourth and concluding segment of their ground-breaking PBS NewsHour series on nuclear security, Pulitzer Center grantees Jamie McIntyre and Dan Sagalyn talk with some of the men and women in our military who would be called upon to execute the president's order to launch a nuclear weapon. How would they react to an order that would likely end life as we know it? "Most of them had thought about it, but they don't dwell on it," says Jamie. "There's not a whole lot of angst of what would happen if they actually were involved in an all-out nuclear exchange."
Pulitzer Center grantees Tik Root and Juan Herrero were in Rwanda recently to report on the country's growing cohort of young and innovative tech entrepreneurs. But they took time out from that assignment to make the acquaintance of another notable Rwandan—Mutware, an ornery 10-foot-tall African elephant who once dragged an SUV into a lake. Mutware mostly keeps to himself in the vast reaches of Akagera National Park, but with the help of some park rangers, Tik and Juan manage to track him down. They tell the story of their encounter in this dispatch for Harper's.
In the age before Apple and the smart phone, the Olivetti company was celebrated for its sleek, stylish typewriters that were considered icons of postwar Italian design. Olivetti's penchant for design also extended to its factories and the environment in which they were located. Writing for The Guardian, Pulitzer Center grantee Claire Provost and reporting partner Simone Lai tell the story of Ivrea, a sleepy town in the foothills of the Alps that became the focus of Adriano Olivetti's ambitious experiments in how to build what he called a more "human" industrial city.
"If you've got to cram in all the information you've got, write a research paper. If you want to communicate with an audience, tell a story." That's the advice of documentary maker and Pulitzer Center grantee Rob Tinworth, who put together this video for our Global Health Lesson Builder initiative. The Lesson Builder is a powerful new tool that we developed to help educators bring Pulitzer Center journalism into their classrooms. Rob's approach was showcased last week at the annual meeting of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, a gathering of the top 300 schools of public health.
Until next week,
Tom Hundley
Senior Editor